Knife Skills Class... May 30 2013
Last evening we had a knife skill class which was a lot of fun. The goal of the dinner was to use the knife as much as possible to slice, dice, chop and julienne our way to a great meal. Chef Cushman chose the menu based on the knife wheeling potential in the dish. The menu consisted of Gazpacho, Baby Lamb Chops with Garlic, Carrot and jicama Salad, Potatoes Persillade and Seasonal Fruit Melange (mango and kiwi).
I bet you are all thinking why a knife skills class? I manage to chop my way through great dinners for years. Why change things now? Well, because you will be a better and more efficient cook- that's why. Good knife skills are the basis from which all the other parts of cooking are based. Once you have mastered the knife you are well on your way to being a fabulous cook!
Here are some more photos from the class. And by the way, all the students had a great time, learned a ton and of course the dinner was fantastic!